5 things you need to start your cycling journey

Cycling is a fantastic activity that offers a plethora of benefits. It's a low-impact exercise that improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and can even boost your mood. It's also an eco-friendly mode of transportation that allows you to explore your surroundings at a leisurely pace.

However, for those new to cycling, the prospect of getting started can seem daunting. This guide, compiled by our cycling experts, outlines the five essential things you need to embark on your cycling journey with confidence.

1. Finding the Right Bike

    The cornerstone of any cycling adventure is the bike itself. While high-end bicycles boast impressive technology and lightweight frames, they are not always necessary for beginners. 

    Here's what to consider when choosing your first cycling companion:

    Type of Cycling: There are many styles of bicycles designed for different purposes. Road bikes are ideal for smooth paved surfaces and prioritise speed. Hybrid bikes offer a nice balance between road and mountain bikes, suitable for paved paths and light off-road trails. Mountain bikes are built for tackling rough terrain with wider tyres and suspension systems. Consider the type of riding you plan to do most often to determine the best fit.

    Comfort and Fit: A comfortable bike is paramount. Visit a reputable bike shop where experts can help you find a bike that fits your height and proportions. Pay attention to the saddle height, handlebar reach, and overall feel. A poorly fitting bike can lead to discomfort, fatigue, and even injuries.

    New vs. Used: New bikes offer the latest technology and a warranty, but they can be expensive. Used bikes can be a great option, especially for beginners. Just be sure to have the bike inspected by a mechanic before purchase.

    2. Essential Gear for Safety and Comfort

      Once you have your bike, there are a few key pieces of equipment that will enhance your safety and comfort on the road.

      Helmet: This is non-negotiable. A properly fitted helmet is essential to protect your head in case of a fall.

      Lights: If you plan on riding at dawn, dusk, or at night, ensure your bike has proper front and rear lights.

      Reflective Gear: Reflective clothing or accessories increase your visibility to motorists, especially important in low-light conditions.

      Cycling Apparel: While not strictly mandatory, padded cycling shorts and a moisture-wicking jersey can significantly add to your comfort during longer rides.

      Hydration Pack or Bottle: Staying hydrated is crucial, so invest in a hydration pack or water bottle that you can easily access while riding.

      Basic Repair Kit: A flat tyre can happen to anyone. Pack a basic repair kit with a spare tube, tyre levers, and a pump to get you back on track quickly.

      3. Gearing Up for the Elements

      Weather conditions can significantly impact your cycling experience. Here's how to prepare for different elements:

      Sun: Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat are essential for sunny days. Opt for breathable clothing that protects you from harmful UV rays.

      Rain: A lightweight rain jacket will keep you dry during unexpected showers. Fenders can also prevent you from getting splashed from puddles.

      Cold: Layer up with warm clothing in colder weather. Consider thermal tights, gloves, and a neck gaiter to keep yourself comfortable.

      4. Plan Your Ride and Be Road Savvy

      Before heading out, plan your route. Consider your fitness level, traffic conditions, and the type of terrain. Start with shorter distances and gradually increase them as your endurance improves.

      If you're riding on roads, familiarise yourself with traffic laws and hand signals. Ride predictably, stay alert, and be courteous to other road users.

      5. Finding Your Cycling Community

      Cycling doesn't have to be a solitary activity. Joining a cycling club or group ride is a fantastic way to meet like-minded people, explore new routes, and stay motivated. Many cycling groups cater to different skill levels, so you can find one that matches your comfort zone.

      Remember, cycling should be an enjoyable experience. Start slow, prioritise safety, and don't be afraid to ask for help from cycling experts or fellow riders. With these five essential elements in place, you're well on your way to a rewarding and enjoyable cycling journey.

      If you’re ready to find your community and start cycling, take a look at our coaching. You’ll find a range of options for your budget, and get access to a community of like-minded cyclists ready to cheer you on. 

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